Put down that smartphone!

I’d just watch a few seconds of this and found myself transfixed to it and felt like crying towards the end. Why don’t people realize that much of technology is ruining our lives and is anything but “social” Playing with your device while eating a meal with others should be a felony. Also we really don’t care where you are every minute of the day. Enjoy your new baby, your new loved one and your kids’ accomplishments but keep the initial thrill private and don’t be obsessed with posting hundreds of pics of everything you do. If you’re watch a game don’t post every time your team scores. If anyone really cares they are actually watching the game not waiting for your fabulous post. Any normal person doesn’t care if you’re at an airport or your plane was delayed-big whip-gee get a real life! http://blog.petflow.com/this-is-a-video-everyone-needs-to-see-for-the-first-time-in-my-life-im-speechless/