Stand Up For Fans’ Rights

Have you heard about restrictive paperless ticketing?

It’s a new technology that limits what fans like you can do with the tickets you buy. Ticketmaster and other corporations who control the ticketing industry are using them to push their monopoly into the resale market and take more money out of your pocket.

With restrictive paperless tickets, fans don’t own their own tickets – venues, promoters and companies like Ticketmaster do. And they determine how you can use the tickets you bought – including whether you can sell them or give them to a friend.

We think restrictive tickets are bad for fans. That’s why we’d like to introduce you to the Fan Freedom Project.

The Fan Freedom Project is a new organization with over 40,000 members dedicated to standing up against companies like Ticketmaster. They’re fighting to protect fans like you and preserve a free, transparent and fair ticket market.

As one of our customers, we know that you enjoy the benefits of the secondary ticketing market, including access to events after they sell out, below face-value tickets to professional sporting events, and the ability to sell your tickets when you get sick or stuck at work.

All of these will become impossible if Ticketmaster and their industry partners get their way.

If you believe, as we do, that when fans buy tickets, they own them, we hope you’ll join us in supporting the Fan Freedom Project. Join here