Fan Freedom Info Cards-

Fan Freedom has been speaking for several months about developing an FFP insert for brokers to include in ticket delivery envelopes sent to consumers. I am pleased to report that we are about to print many thousands of FFP cards, and we are making them available for no cost to brokers who agree to include them in mailings to consumers.

These cards have been approved for envelope insertion by StubHub and TicketNetwork, and the generic card can be used also for direct broker-to-consumer sales. Of course StubHub would like only the StubHub-branded card in its envelopes.

Brokers can order cards directly with Fan Freedom Project by emailing my colleague Chris Thomas, at We would like folks to order enough StubHub and generic cards for three months, and then we will order more when we run out if the program seems to be driving FFP sign-ups.

It would be terrific if folks would order their FFP cards by Wednesday so we can have cards delivered directly from the printer to each broker. This will halve our shipping costs and be much appreciated.

As we have discussed, brokers can safely drive consumers to FFP because our privacy policy prohibits us from communicating with our consumers for anything other than FFP matters. We do not share, rent or sell our list.

Thanks again for your consideration and assistance, in this regard and generally. Please let me or Chris know if you have any questions or suggestions.

Thanks, Taylor Gibbs